Requires to conferences - Scientific conference

Congratulation from Internet Conference!


Рік заснування видання - 2011

Requires to conferences

The text of theses is typed in Microsoft Word editor in “doc” or “rtf” format: font - Times New Roman; size of a skittle - 14; interim interval - 1.5; dimensions: paragraph - 1.25 cm; margins of the upper, lower and left and right - 2.0 cm; numbering of pages from the top right (above the text). The recommended volume of abstracts is 3-12 pages. It is allowed to include tables and figures in the text of a scientific work. Drawings and tables on landscape pages are not accepted. Font size in tables is 12.
The number of tables, figures and formulas in the text should be minimal.
References to the literature are indicated in square brackets in the text [1, p. 2].
Footnotes and references are not allowed.
The list of references should be drawn up in accordance with the DSTU 8302:2015. 
The authors of the reports are responsible for the covered material in the abstracts. The manuscript is not subject to further editing, so it must be carefully prepared.

Sample of abstracts

Surname patronymic, scientific degree, academic title 
Educational institution, city


Presenting main material. (14 pt)

Literature (12 pt)
1. (12 pt)
2. (12 pt)
3. (12 pt)

The amount of the organizational fee depends on the number of pages of the text of the report, the number of additional copies of the collections of abstracts, as well as the direct method of sending the collection.
There are two ways to send a collection:
1. Ukrposhta (registered letter) - delivery to the post office, additionally paid the cost of registered mail in the amount of 40 UAH. When sending by registered mail, delivery takes place at the post office directly to the recipient upon presentation of a supporting document. If the recipient does not show up at the branch within a month from the date of receipt of the shipment, the letter will be returned to Ternopil. Resubmission will be at an additional cost.
2. Nova Poshta - without additional payments in the registration fee. The cost of sending according to the tariffs of "Nova Poshta". Payment is made by the recipient at the branch upon receipt of the letter.
The cost of publishing one A4 sheet (complete or incomplete) is UAH 100. 250 UAH for a printed copy of the collection and certificate. The cost of one additional copy of the collection of abstracts is 250 UAH.

The minimum amount of the registration fee is UAH 300. (3 pages of text).

The total amount of the registration fee is equal (one of the options):
1. Amount of registration fee = Number of pages. * 100 hryvnias +250 hryvnias + 40 hryvnias - in case of sending by registered mail one obligatory copy of the collection of abstracts (for example, if the number of pages of the text is 3, the amount of the registration fee is (3 * 100) +250+ 40 = 590 UAH, respectively).
2. Amount of registration fee = Number of pages. * 100 hryvnias +250 hryvnias - in the case of sending by Nova Poshta one obligatory copy of the collection of abstracts (for example, if the number of pages of the text is 3, the amount of the registration fee is (3 * 100) +250 = 550 UAH, respectively).
3. Amount of registration fee = Number of pages. * 100 hryvnias + Number of additional notes. * 250 hryvnias +250 hryvnias + 40 hryvnias - in the case when in addition to the required copy you need to make and send 1 (2, 3 ...) additional, sending by registered mail (for example, if the number of pages of text is 3 and you need 1 additional copy of the collection, the amount of registration fee, respectively (3 * 100) + (1 * 250) +250+40 = 840 UAH).
4. The amount of registration fee = Number of pages. * 100 hryvnias + Number of additional notes. * 250 hryvnias +250 hryvnias- in the case when in addition to the required copy it is necessary to make and send 1 (2, 3 ...) additional, sending by "Nova Poshta" (for example, if the number of pages of text is 3 and requires 1 additional copy of the collection, the amount of registration fee (3*100) + (1 * 250) + 250 = 800 UAH).
5. Amount of registration fee = Number of pages. * 100 hryvnias - in case of sending by e-mail an electronic copy of the collection of abstracts and certificate (for example, if the number of pages of the text is 3, the amount of registration fee, respectively 4 * 100 = 400 UAH.
Payments for publishing collected volumes and issuing certificates are to transfer to the following details: IBAN account UA253052990000026005013306335 in "PRIVATBANK", MFO of the bank 305299, recipient private entrepreneur Rusenko U.O., recipient's USRE code 3258001482. Purpose of payment: Payment for participation in the conference.
For participants from other countries, the registration fee is 3 USD for each (complete or incomplete) page of the submitted abstracts and 7 USD for sending the collection and certificate. The cost and shipping of each additional copy of the conference proceedings is 8 USD. For foreign participants, payment is made by international money transfer through the Western Union payment system - Recipient: Rusenko Ulyana, Ternopil. When transferring electronic money, be sure to specify the name of the sender.

1 (one) copy of the collection is sent to one scientific work to the address indicated in the information about the authors. To receive additional collections, you must pay the cost of 150 hryvnias for each additional copy, which must be indicated in the receipt sent.

Please order additional copies in advance.

Contacts of the organizing committee:

Address for correspondence:
Organizing Committee of MNIK "Online Conference"
a / s 797, Ternopil 46005

Phone: +38 (068) 3660525

Report summaries for the international academic and research Internet conference with the topic:

Information society: technological, economic and technical aspects of formation (issue 96)

Date of conference

11 лютого 2025

Remaining time to start conference 0

Give topic


Information society: technological, economic and technical aspects of formation (issue 95)

Information society: technological, economic and technical aspects of formation (issue 96)

Міжнародна інтернет-конференція з економіки, інформаційних систем і технологій, психології та педагогіки

Наукова спільнота - інтернет конференції

:: LEX-LINE :: Юридична лінія

Інформаційне суспільство: технологічні, економічні та технічні аспекти становлення


Conference 2025

Conference 2024

Conference 2023

Conference 2022

Conference 2021